Why Your Healthcare Organization Can Benefit from Content Writing

Written by Patrick Socha

Patrick Socha is the founder and managing director of Sonan Digital Inc. He is a seasoned business growth professional with a background in B2B Sales.

February 6, 2021

A huge part of choosing a healthcare provider, whether it be a plastic surgeon or physiotherapist, is largely based on trust. The first thing a potential patient is going to look for is a doctor that aligns with their values and one they can TRUST. Luckily, content writing for your healthcare organization can help introduce you as a professional and build that trust.

Properly written content can help your healthcare organization stand out. Simply put, healthcare content writing or blogging is a tool to drive patients to your website, and ultimately revenue. If you blog multiple times a week/month, not only does Google place a value (authority on your site) and ranks you higher then your competitors, but other websites will publish snippets of your content (Give you attribution). Achieving blogging results is often requires long-term focus and commitment.

The Stats on Content Writing

  • 61% of consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post that they read.
  • 60% of consumers feel positive about a business after reading its blog.
  • 70% of consumers learn about a business through its blog versus ads.

While we don’t often think of patients as customers, they likely have a choice who they seek out for their care. Attracting new patients can have a huge impact on a practice’s bottom line. According to TeleVox, 51% of people say they’d feel more valued as a patient through digital health communications. In other words, taking the time to write great content may not only attract new patients but strengthen your relationships with current patients. To sum up, the right content can go a long way in creating strong relationships and a successful healthcare organization.

Writing Content for Healthcare

Looking to write content for your healthcare organization? Short on time or staff? Here at Sonan Digital, we have experienced healthcare content writers and would love to help you grow your content or completely manage your blog. We specialize in helping you define your business goals and will work with you to develop content that will resonate with your dream clients. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] to connect today and take your practice to the next level.

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